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Henry Belov
Henry Belov

The Benefits of Using Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 Serial Number for Econometric Modeling

Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 Serial Number: A Powerful Tool for Time Series Analysis

Eviews is a software package that allows you to perform statistical and econometric analysis on various types of data, such as time series, cross-sections, panel data, and more. Eviews stands for Econometric Views, and it was developed by Quantitative Micro Software (QMS) in 1994.

eviews enterprise edition 7.0 0.1 serial number

Eviews Enterprise Edition is a special version of Eviews that offers additional features and capabilities for users who need to access and analyze data from different sources, such as databases, web services, cloud storage, and more. Eviews Enterprise Edition also supports distributed processing and parallel computing, which can speed up the computation of large and complex models.

Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 is the latest release of Eviews Enterprise Edition, which was launched in 2010. This version includes several improvements and enhancements, such as:

  • A new interface that allows you to customize the layout and appearance of your workspaces, menus, toolbars, and windows.

  • A new object-oriented programming language that allows you to create and manipulate Eviews objects, such as series, equations, models, graphs, tables, etc.

  • A new database engine that supports more data formats and sources, such as Excel, Access, ODBC, OLE DB, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, etc.

  • A new graphing engine that offers more options and flexibility for creating and editing graphs.

  • A new forecasting engine that allows you to generate forecasts from various models and methods, such as ARIMA, VAR, GARCH, etc.

  • A new optimization engine that allows you to solve nonlinear optimization problems using various algorithms and techniques.

To use Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1, you need a valid serial number that identifies your license and activation status. A serial number is a combination of letters and numbers that is unique for each user and installation. You can obtain a serial number from QMS or from an authorized reseller or distributor of Eviews products.

A serial number for Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 has the following format:


where each X represents a letter or a number. For example:


You need to enter your serial number when you install Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 on your computer or when you update your license information online. You can also check your serial number by clicking on Help > About Eviews in the Eviews menu.

In this article, we will show you how to use Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 serial number for time series analysis. Time series analysis is a branch of statistics that deals with the study of data that are collected over time, such as stock prices, GDP, inflation, etc. Time series analysis can help you to understand the patterns, trends, cycles, and relationships in your data, and to make predictions and forecasts based on them.

One of the main advantages of using Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 serial number for time series analysis is that it offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface that allows you to easily import, manipulate, transform, visualize, and model your data. You can also use Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 serial number to perform various tests and diagnostics on your data and models, such as unit root tests, cointegration tests, autocorrelation tests, heteroskedasticity tests, etc.

Another advantage of using Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 serial number for time series analysis is that it supports a wide range of models and methods that are suitable for different types of data and objectives. For example, you can use Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 serial number to estimate and simulate models such as:

  • Linear regression models

  • Nonlinear regression models

  • Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models

  • Vector autoregressive (VAR) models

  • Vector error correction (VEC) models

  • Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models

  • State space models

  • Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models

  • And more

To illustrate how to use Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 serial number for time series analysis, we will use an example dataset that contains the quarterly real GDP growth rates of the US from 1947 to 2020. You can download this dataset from the following link:


After downloading the dataset, you can import it into Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 by following these steps:

  • Open Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 and click on File > Open > Foreign Data as Workfile.

  • Select the file that contains the dataset and click on Open.

  • In the Import Wizard window, select CSV as the file type and click on Next.

  • In the next window, select Comma as the delimiter and click on Next.

  • In the next window, select Date as the observation identifier type and click on Next.

  • In the next window, select YYYY-MM-DD as the date format and click on Next.

  • In the next window, enter a name for your workfile (e.g., GDP) and click on Finish.

You should now see a new workfile window that contains your imported data as a series object named A191RL1Q225SBEA.

Now that you have imported your data into Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1, you can start to explore and analyze it using various tools and commands. For example, you can:

  • View the summary statistics and descriptive statistics of your data by right-clicking on the series name and selecting View > Descriptive Stats.

  • Plot the time series graph of your data by right-clicking on the series name and selecting View > Graph.

  • Perform transformations and calculations on your data by right-clicking on the series name and selecting Genr > Series Expression.

  • Create new series or variables by right-clicking on the workfile window and selecting Quick > Series Generate.

  • Test for stationarity and unit roots in your data by right-clicking on the series name and selecting View > Unit Root Test.

  • Estimate a simple linear regression model by right-clicking on the series name and selecting Estimate > Equation Estimate.

  • And more

In this article, we will focus on how to use Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 serial number to estimate and forecast an ARIMA model for the US real GDP growth rate. ARIMA stands for autoregressive integrated moving average, and it is a popular method for modeling and forecasting time series data that exhibit trends, seasonality, cycles, and autocorrelation. An ARIMA model can be written as:

(1 - B)^d (Y_t - mu) = (1 - phi_1 B - ... - phi_p B^p) (1 + theta_1 B + ... + theta_q B^q) e_t


  • Y_t is the time series variable at time t.

  • B is the backshift operator that shifts the variable one period back, such that B Y_t = Y_(t-1).

  • d is the order of differencing that makes the variable stationary.

  • mu is the mean of the variable.

  • p is the order of the autoregressive (AR) part that captures the dependence of the variable on its own past values.

  • phi_i are the AR coefficients that measure the impact of the past values on the current value.

  • q is the order of the moving average (MA) part that captures the dependence of the variable on its own past errors.

  • theta_j are the MA coefficients that measure the impact of the past errors on the current value.

  • e_t is the error term that follows a white noise process with zero mean and constant variance.

An ARIMA model can be specified by three parameters: (p,d,q), which indicate the order of the AR part, the order of differencing, and the order of the MA part, respectively. For example, an ARIMA(1,1,1) model means that p=1, d=1, and q=1, which implies that:

(1 - B) (Y_t - mu) = (1 - phi_1 B) (1 + theta_1 B) e_t

To estimate an ARIMA model using Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 serial number, you need to follow these steps:

  • Determine the appropriate order of differencing d for your data by testing for stationarity and unit roots using various tests, such as Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF), Phillips-Perron (PP), or Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS).

  • Determine the appropriate order of the AR part p and the MA part q for your data by examining various criteria, such as Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), or Hannan-Quinn Criterion (HQ).

  • Estimate the ARIMA model using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) or conditional least squares (CLS) methods by specifying your chosen (p,d,q) parameters and selecting Estimate > ARMA from the series menu.

  • Evaluate the goodness-of-fit and validity of your estimated ARIMA model by checking various statistics, such as R-squared, log-likelihood, standard errors, p-values, etc., and performing various tests, such as Ljung-Box test for autocorrelation, ARCH test for heteroskedasticity, Jarque-Bera test for normality, etc.

  • Forecast your time series variable using your estimated ARIMA model by selecting Forecast > Make Forecast from the equation menu and specifying your forecast horizon and confidence interval.

The third step is to determine the order of the AR part p and the MA part q for the data. To do this, we need to examine various criteria that measure the trade-off between the fit and the complexity of the ARIMA model. Some of the most common criteria are:

  • AIC - Akaike Information Criterion, which is defined as AIC = -2 log(L) + 2 (p + q + k), where L is the likelihood function of the model, p and q are the orders of the AR and MA parts, and k is the number of parameters other than p and q.

  • BIC - Bayesian Information Criterion, which is defined as BIC = -2 log(L) + (p + q + k) log(n), where n is the sample size.

  • HQ - Hannan-Quinn Criterion, which is defined as HQ = -2 log(L) + 2 (p + q + k) log(log(n)).

The lower the value of these criteria, the better the model. However, different criteria may suggest different optimal values of p and q, so there is no definitive rule for choosing them. A common approach is to compare different models with different values of p and q, and select the one that minimizes one or more of these criteria.

To compare different ARIMA models using Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 serial number, we can follow these steps:

  • Select our series name (A191RL1Q225SBEA) and right-click on it.

  • Select Estimate > ARMA from the menu.

  • In the ARMA Estimation window, select MLE - Maximum Likelihood as the Method.

  • In the Specification tab, enter different values of p and q in the AR order and MA order boxes, respectively.

  • In the Options tab, select Include constant term as a Trend specification.

  • Click on OK to estimate the model.

  • Repeat steps 3-6 for different combinations of p and q, such as (0,0), (1,0), (0,1), (1,1), (2,0), (0,2), etc.

  • Compare the values of AIC, BIC, and HQ for each model in the equation window.

In our case, we can see that the lowest values of AIC (-3.578), BIC (-3.554), and HQ (-3.569) are obtained by the ARIMA(1,1,1) model. This suggests that this model is the best among the ones we have tried. Therefore, we will choose p=1 and q=1 as our optimal parameters for our data.


In this article, we have shown you how to use Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 serial number for time series analysis and forecasting. We have used an example dataset that contains the quarterly real GDP growth rates of the US from 1947 to 2020. We have followed these steps:

  • We have imported the data into Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1.

  • We have determined the order of differencing d=1 for the data by testing for stationarity and unit roots using the ADF test.

  • We have determined the order of the AR part p=1 and the MA part q=1 for the data by comparing different ARIMA models using the AIC, BIC, and HQ criteria.

  • We have estimated the ARIMA(1,1,1) model using MLE method and checked its goodness-of-fit and validity using various statistics and tests.

  • We have forecasted the time series variable using the estimated ARIMA(1,1,1) model and specified our forecast horizon and confidence interval.

We hope that this article has helped you to understand how to use Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 serial number for time series analysis and forecasting. Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 is a powerful and user-friendly software package that offers a wide range of tools and methods for data analysis. You can use it to perform various tasks, such as regression analysis, econometric modeling, hypothesis testing, optimization, simulation, etc. You can also access and analyze data from different sources, such as databases, web services, cloud storage, etc. You can also customize and program your own Eviews objects, commands, and procedures using the new object-oriented programming language.

If you want to learn more about Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 serial number and its features and capabilities, you can visit the official website of Quantitative Micro Software (QMS) at [2] You can also download a free trial version of Eviews Enterprise Edition 7.0 0.1 serial number from [3] You can also find more tutorials, examples, manuals, and support forums at [4]

Thank you for reading this article and we hope that you have enjoyed it. a27c54c0b2


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